Thursday 28 January 2016

Ad with interesting body copy -- Continental Airlines

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The above advertisement is a print ad by Continental Airlines. It serves to promote the airlines and its benefits by emphasising on its lighthearted yet fully-committed flight services.

Ad's appeal/Benefit of the ad

The appeal of the ad mostly lies in its body copy. The tone used in the body copy is intimate, casual and ensures reliability. The headline is effective in a way that it inspires curiosity with the words "You can be late, but we can't", and upon closer inspection, viewers are able to read the full message of the headline, "You can be late (at the gate) but we can't (on our "dates")." The body copy then goes on to mention the "light, fun and care-free" flight experience whilst reassuring the viewers that they take their services seriously by being "professional and on time". Through their wording, they are able to convey the consumer benefits effectively and persuasively.

What I like about the ad

The body copy is written in such a way that makes you feel right at home, immediately establishing an intimate feel between the ad and the viewers. By coyly terming their interaction with their customers as "dates" and placing the focus on their customers to "feel good", it excels in presenting Continental Airlines as a brand name that cares, making that their unique value proposition compared to other airlines. The slogan "Work Hard, Fly Right" also contributes to its image and further reinforces the original message of the ad.


According to the 10 Commandments of Great Copywriting, a good ad recognises its target audience and captures their attention through an interesting body copy with a clear unique selling proposition, as well as eases the viewers to read and digest the core message. This ad manages to first catch viewers' attention through the main headline and then reveals a deeper message in between the wording to emphasis on its main point. The body copy is clean and concise, presenting the consumer benefits in a simple and conversational yet reassuring way.


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